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PCAFI General License Introduction
Institute for Ministerial Training and Leadership Development – Minister’s General License Course
Introduction to the course and a video presentation by Bishop Lambert W. Gates, Sr. about the vision of the Pentecostal Church of the Apostolic Faith International.
This introductory course provides catalog links to purchase all required courses, links to the courses after purchasing them, a tracking method to watch your progress and the link to print the transcript that is required by each district’s board.
PCAFI Doctrine
Course Description:
Scott Graham gives an overview of the fundamental doctrines of scripture and the importance of embracing these sacred truths and never letting them go. He uses David K. Bernard and J. L.Hall’s book Doctrines of the Bible as the textbook for this courses and reviews its contents and adds personal conviction to preach the truths from scripture that Oneness Pentecostals believe to be the most biblical, apostolic viewpoint.
Text Book Description: Doctrines of the Bible by J. L. Hall and David K. Bernard
This theology book contains a thorough discussion of eight doctrinal topics: the Bible, the Godhead, angels, humanity, the person and work of Jesus Christ, salvation, the church, and the last things.
PCAFI Leadership I
Course Description:
In this course, Eugene Wilson teaches with passion for the subject of Leadership and provides valuable instruction for church leaders. The answer is a realignment of the leader in how he views his own success, how he goes about empowering others, and how he postures the church for change and involvement. Wilson has extensively surveyed the wide scope of leadership philosophies and literature from the religious and secular fields, and woven them seamlessly with scriptural principles so we can be the beneficiaries of his convicting insights. I recommend Realign to leaders everywhere. — Raymond Woodward (from the Forward of Realign)
Text Book Description: Realign by Dr. Eugene T, Wilson
Realign redefines success of church leaders as the degree to which we help others become what God wants them to be rather than by the size of the crowd. It calls church leaders to realign with purpose, namely, equipping others for their work of ministry. It is not about a model as much as it is about principles—principles that are both timeless and universal. It deals with the following concepts:
• Traits of an equipping leader
• The stages of life cycle of a church
•How people change and what you can do to help them keep it
• Your expectations for followers
• How church structures enhance or inhibit growth
• How maintaining a safe place increases involvement
PCAF Preaching II
Course Description: Jerry Jones, the author and instructor of this course, wrote in the Foreword of We Preach, ” I learned to preach by preaching… I did not always understand the whys for things that I just knew to be so. Rhythm, cadence, and gauging the emotional impact of sermon points in order to find the most effective way of presenting them, along with a hundred other important things, were all more intuition than training. It was the theory I was lacking.
Then I began to be asked to teach sessions on preaching to aspiring preachers. For five years I taught a semester-long class on preaching at Gateway College of Evangelism. I discovered that people weren’t really content to know that something is true just because I said it was. While they respected my experience, they wanted to know why it was so. I began to think about the mechanics of preaching. I wanted to discover why some things work and some don’t. I also began researching what other preachers had to say about this calling and craft.”
Text Book Description: We Preach by Jerry Jones
This book sets out to answer some fundamental questions regarding Apostolic preaching: What is preaching? Why do we preach? Is our preaching biblical? Is it still relevant today? Jerry Jones lays the theological groundwork for the basis of preaching, presents the case for the priority of preaching, and demonstrates the fundamental necessity of preaching in the church. Drawing from the extensive experience of a lifetime of preaching the gospel, the author distills the key elements of preaching into a book that preachers young and old will have a hard time putting down.
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